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Makibe Aust. has established itself as a significant player in the recruitment industry. Makibe Aust. was formed to supply quality Permanent and Contract staff to the Australian and International industry sectors. For those companies whose future success depends on the calibre of people on their team, Makibe Aust. is rapidly emerging as the irresistible first choice for professional recruitment solutions.
We believe that consistency in quality of service is the key to success. As a means of demonstrating our firm commitment to providing quality services to our clients, applicants, candidates, temporary staff and contractors, Makibe Aust. management will implement, review and constantly improve a Quality System, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. All permanent Makibe Aust. staff will be trained in this system and will be encouraged to identify and assist with improvements to it.
Makibe Aust. is an active member of the Recruitment Consulting Services Association. We adhere strictly to the Association’s Code of Ethics and ensure that every member of our staff is aware of the importance we attach to it.
Makibe Aust. is committed to providing a healthy and safe work place for all employees; to allow employees to perform their tasks to their maximum potential and efficiency in a planned, organized and controlled manner without undue risk to their health and safety.
The inappropriate use of Alcohol and other Drugs by Makibe Aust. personnel will not be tolerated as it may lead to impairment and an increased risk to the health and safety of employees.
Makibe Aust. may elect to randomly screen for Alcohol or Drugs and any person found to have blood levels above the prescribed legal limits will be dealt with in accordance with the Makibe Aust. Performance Management Procedures.
Where Makibe Aust. personnel are working at a Client’s premises, we will support and adhere to any additional requirements regarding Fitness for Duty that may be imposed by the client.
This document provides an overview of Makibe Aust. policy on smoking, drugs and alcohol in the workplace.
Makibe Aust. supports a non-smoking policy in all areas of the workplace. Makibe Aust. has designated smoking areas (outside of buildings) for smokers to use. Smokers are requested to restrict smoking to designated breaks.
Makibe Aust. strictly supports a drug-free workplace. Any employee/ contractor who takes, or is in the possession of drugs on company premises not prescribed by a registered medical practitioner, or is intoxicated from these drugs during prescribed hours of employment will be appropriately disciplined. This may lead to summary dismissal.
Any casual employee failing a random drug/alcohol test by our client will be deemed not fit for duty and sent home. Depending on result may also be finished and not reassigned.
Prior to summarily dismissing an employee please contact the General Manager for advice.
Alcohol is not to be excessively consumed on company premises or at company functions. Any employee/contractor who is intoxicated during the prescribed employment hours will receive appropriate disciplinary action.
Driving a company vehicle whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. If an employee is found intoxicated, they will receive appropriate disciplinary action that may lead to dismissal.
For further advice on any of the above please contact either the General Manager or senior management.
The National Privacy Principles established by the Privacy Act 1988 apply to Makibe Aust.
Personal information that we collect and hold usually falls into the following categories:
We primarily hold personal information for the following:
We contract out a number of services from time to time. Our contractors may see some of your personal information. Typically, our contractors would include I.T. contractors and database designers.
You can make further enquiries or complaints about our Privacy Policies to our General Manager at: Makibe Aust. (02) 4631 6700 or to the office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner.
Subject to some exceptions that are set out in the National Privacy Principals, you can gain access to the personal information that we hold about you. We do refuse access if it would interfere with the privacy rights of other persons or if it breaches any confidentiality that attaches to that information.
If you wish to obtain access to your personal information you should contact our General Manager. You will need to be in a position to verify your identity. We might impose a moderate charge in providing access. Our Quality Systems & Training Manager would discuss these with you.
You should also anticipate that it may take a little time to process your application for access as there may be a need to retrieve information from storage and review information in order to determine what information may be provided.
All Makibe Aust. employees must be familiar with the fire safety policy and procedures.
Within one (1) month of employment, all staff should be briefed on the regulations by the nominated Fire Warden, be aware of their local Fire Warden and familiarize themselves with fire equipment location and emergency exits. Makibe Aust. employees are to participate in emergency evacuation procedure training as the occasions arise.
In the event of fire:
Makibe Aust. will continue to address hazard control, accident prevention and training priorities in pursuit of a Best Practice Health and Safety culture. Acceptance of the following responsibilities is essential to the success of this policy.
Fatigue is an issue that affects our managers and employees in different ways. Reducing the risks associated with fatigue is a shared responsibility that requires reasonable actions to minimize the risk of fatigue-related accidents and injuries, therefore:
Management will be responsible for minimizing the risks associated with work-related fatigue. Makibe Aust. will;
Regular reviews will be conducted to ensure the “Fatigue Management Plan” is effective in managing fatigue.
Management will be responsible for seeing that work practices do not create inappropriate levels of fatigue for workers or volunteers and that risk assessments will be carried out where fatigue levels may affect the safe conduct of work.
Employees and their representatives will be consulted in the formulation, maintenance and review of the “Fatigue Management Plan”.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the identification, assessment and control of all manual handling tasks performed by staff, in accordance with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act (2011) and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (2011).
Manual handling means any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any animate or inanimate object.
In order to prevent or reduce the severity of injuries arising from manual handling are designed to be ling activities in the workplace, Makibe Aust. will ensure that, as far as practicable:
Safe manual handling is a continuous process which involves three recurring states:
Consultants, supervisors and workers should consult with the OHS Manager and with Recruitment Management to determine the relative importance of the various risk factors and set priorities for addressing those risks.
The Recruitment Management and Client Management will monitor the process of identification, assessment and control of manual handling risks and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy.
This document outlines MAKIBE AUST.’s policy of ensuring Equal Employment Opportunity and a workplace free of Discrimination.
Makibe Aust. shall recruit and promote employees based on individual merit and performance. All recruitment and promotion decisions will be made without regard to any of the following grounds:
– Sex, race, colour, lawful sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability (unless it will affect the health and safety of the person or other persons)
– Marital status, parental status, religion. Political opinion
– Trade union activity
Each manager is responsible for ensuring that he or she abides by this policy on a daily basis.
Management at all levels is to ensure that no form of discrimination, whether direct or indirect occurs in the Makibe Aust. work environment.
Direct discrimination is treating one person less favourably than others because of any of the listed attributes.
Indirect discrimination is where an employer, or some other person, may enforce a criterion for a position E.G. a person must wear a cap as part of a uniform, but will not allow somebody who wears a turban to apply. Even though the wearing of the cap is only for the uniform and is not part of the actual work.
Makibe Aust. personnel who feel they have been harassed or discriminated against should contact their Manager, General Manager or Director in that order.
Makibe Aust. recognizes that there are substantial benefits to be gained from rehabilitation principles and practices and is committed to implementing them at this workplace. We recognize that the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 and the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2003 provide the legislative support for workplace rehabilitation activities along with the relevant legislation in each State where Makibe Aust. have employees working.
Experience has shown that workplace rehabilitation assists the healing process and helps restore the worker’s normal work function sooner. Workplace rehabilitation includes early provision of timely and adequate services, including suitable duties programs, and aims to:
This policy has been developed as a joint worker-management agreement. Makibe Aust. is committed to:
Workplace rehabilitation procedures have been developed to support this policy. The procedures define key terms, describe key roles and outline steps in the return to work process.
The purpose of the Makibe Aust. Rehabilitation policy is to ensure:
Rehabilitation of a worker is a process designed to ensure the worker’s earliest possible return to work or to maximize the worker’s independent functioning. Rehabilitation involves the provision of approved services, services provided by a registered person, suitable duties programs or necessary and reasonable aids or equipment to an injured worker. All employers must take all reasonable steps to assist or provide their injured workers with rehabilitation for the period for which the worker is entitled compensation.
The RTWC is a person who has satisfactorily completed a workplace Return to Work Coordinators course accredited by icare. The RTWC is the link between the injured worker, treating doctor, management, supervisors, icare authorities in each State, rehabilitation providers and any other relevant parties.
Our Return to Work Coordinator is Norm Geist –
These specially selected duties at the workplace are a means of providing a monitored and graduated return to normal duties. They are:
– Matched to the capabilities of the worker;
– Time limited and regularly upgraded according to his/her level of recovery and treating medical doctor’s
A copy of each workers suitable duties program will be provided to the insurer.
Harassment and bullying in the workplace can be defined as the “repeated less favourable treatment of a person/s by another or others in a workplace, which may be considered unreasonable and inappropriate workplace practice”.
Makibe Aust. will not tolerate any employee harassing or bullying a fellow employee in the workplace.
Each Makibe Aust. manager is responsible for ensuring their workplace is free of bullying and/or physical/sexual harassment, and to deal with any harassment/bullying issues in line with this policy. Makibe Aust. will ensure that employees who come forward about harassment/bullying in the workplace will not suffer adverse job consequences as a result of any complaint made.
If an employee is in the situation where they feel they are being harassed or bullied by another employee they are to report it immediately to their manager. If the manager is the harasser, then the employee should report it directly to the General Manager or Director.
Makibe Aust. is committed to and responsible for:
To work with employees, contractors, visitors and business partners to achieve compatibility between economic development and the maintenance of the environment to minimise harm.
Makibe Aust. is committed to conducting our business in an environmentally conscious and responsible manner. We seek the co-operation of our employees and business partners in ensuring our organisational practices are conducted with minimal environmental impact at our offices, and customer sites.
Makibe Aust. will endeavour to minimise impact on the following:
To fulfil this commitment, Makibe Aust. will observe all environment laws and promote environmental awareness among all staff to increase understanding of environmental matters.
Makibe Aust. will also actively take part in the following:
Makibe Aust. will ensure employees comply with relevant legislation, company and customer standards and procedures at all times.